Well, he's perfect for me, anyway. He's funny and smart. He does the crossword with me. He always checks for which exhibitions are running at the local art museum of any city we'll be visiting--for me. Lots of years he gets me rings for our anniversary, because I have a thing for them. He loads my iPod full of soft hits of the 70's, he warms up my side of the bed before I get in it. And when I'm 20 pounds overweight, he's just happy because that means bigger boobs.
This year for my birthday, my awesome husband got me the awesomest gift EVER:
That's right! Tickets to see:

Jerry Seinfeld was playing Thursday night at BSU. The show was fantastic. Larry and I are huge fans. It's almost embarrassing how we relate his show to life around us on a nearly daily basis. It was surreal to see Jerry on stage. I know that face and voice so well, it felt like I'd seen him hundreds of times. Like this was somehow no different than watching him on TV. Well, different than watching the sit com. But no different than, say, the Larry King interview. We had 4th row (after the orchestra pit) seats, so we could clearly see every expression. I guess I was expecting something different. To feel something new in seeing him in person.
As for the performance, he was hilarious, of course. He gives a clean, well delivered show. And his observational humor just nails it every time. He nailed the way I imitate my husband's voice when I'm irritated with him. He nailed the way some people need to bring their @$$ into the conversation any way they can. He did a funny bit about "great" and "sucks" and how those two states of being are much closer than we may think. They may be, in fact, the same.
It was a memorable night. Thank you, Larry the Great!
24 fishy comments:
I had no idea he was doing standup! What a fun show that would be.
How fun for you both! I've always liked Jerry...we are on a first name basis, you know :)
Oh, and the bigger boobs line is hilarious!
This was the perfect show for you, you #1 Seinfeld fan, you. I was actually watching reruns the other night and wishing I could just blog about "nothing," after having my bad case of blogger's block the last two weeks! And way to use the word awesome to it's fullest there :)
Mina, I always really love your posts. I especially love it when bloggers post about how much they love their spouse. And Jeremy is exactly the same with the weight, 20 extra pounds just means bigger boobs and that is great! Since I tend to lose weight without thinking about it his attitude helps me to remember to eat!!! I think that's the way REAL men are.
We love Seinfeld too. He's so clever. How fun for you to go see him!
Bigger boobs! I totally snorted at that part.
I'm glad you had a fab time at the show.
You made me laugh at the bigger boobs part. And, I am so jealous about those tickets!
How awesome! ♥ Hugs :)
Awesome husband indeed! And I think ALL of our husbands like us 20 pounds overweight for that very same reason. :)
Doing stand-up? I guess his millions weren't enough. Mine, however, are. (oops! There I go bringing my money into the conversation--again!)
What a fun night out -- and an awesome birthday gift! I would love to see Jerry Seinfeld. Sounds like you had a great birthday.
Sounds like you had a great birthday— and after you were worried about it before. So glad you got to do something eventful (no pun intended).
Okay, your husband is one stand up guy! Sorry for the lame pun but I find your stories of your husband so sweet and incredibly thoughtful. What an awesome guy and you're a lucky gal!
I LOVE Seinfeld (and how nearly every situation can be related to an episode of the sitcom)!
Great present indeed. :)
How fun!! What a great hubby you have!!
So jealous.
I'm living the marble rye episode myself right now.
Good to know he does clean! Have to see him when he comes to our area...
THAT is the coolest gift ever. You've got yourself a good one :)
Way to go, Larry! Glad he gave you such an exciting (and original) gift. Even better that you had such great seats!
Awesome gifts. That sounds so fun!
You know, about the boob thing- that is when I know I am in trouble...when hubby says my boobs are looking good. A clear signal I need to lose weight.
Sounds great!!
But i would have to disagree
I do!
Glad to hear you had a great time. And glad to hear that you think you have the awesomest hubby! That's always a great feeling.
What a completely fun post, Mina. I loved it. Always so great when wives give a shout out to their husbands.
Your humor never fails to make me laugh. And so, cyber-friend, I added us as your follower today. Look, there we are in your side-bar!
Yep! Your hubby rocks! He deserves Hubby of the Year award! How awesome that you got to see Jerry! Jerry is one of my all-time faves and I still watch Seinfeld reruns! And guess what? Most of the songs on my playlist, Mina, are from the 70's! You rock! Glad you had fun. BTW, my parents and sister live in Boise! My dad taught at BSU for years but is now retired. He used to do the color commentating for BSU's basketball. Boise rocks too!
We went to the Jerry Seinfeld show here in Utah! He was hilarious!!! My checks hurt from laughing. We had 2nd row seats! We are addicted to the TV show and have all the series on DVD. Our girls get a kick out of us always quoting his show. Glad you had fun!
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