Thursday, April 06, 2006

Measuring Success

I guess I need to start by noting that in January I started with Weight Watchers. Between the last three kids there was an extra total of about 25 lbs to drop. And #4 being 4 years old, I finally decided that this was it.

It's gone pretty well. It is a great program for me, making me accountable for doing what I know I should in the dietary department. But it is hard not to be a slave to the scale and not only celebrate every pound lost but mourn every tenth of a pound gained. Occasionally I find other sucesses that this journey brings.

This week Larry and I went to Disneyland for a late 12th anniversary trip. There were showers in the morning, keeping crowds away. The longest line we waited in was 20 minutes, and most were 5-15. Amazing. We went on every ride we wanted, shopped, and left the park at about 5:30 or 6pm and spent time in Downtown Disney--the shopping/restaurant district just outside the park.

Well, I decided a couple of weeks ago that I was not going to journal or even estimate points on this little trip. I was going to eat what I wanted and maybe just watch my portions. I did order salads and veggies instead of soups and potatoes, and I ordered water instead of soda. Amazingly though, I didn't have to make an effort to watch my portions. I filled up at EVERY meal after eating about half (not including the salads and veggies). Now, I am embarrassed to admit that I could in the past be very piggy and eat almost any amount of food put in front of me if I loved the taste. I would be stuffed, and while that is never comfortable I would think it was worth it. These two days though, I really had no big desire to keep eating after I was on the full side of satisfied.

It may seem a little silly, but this seems like a big deal to me. I've been afraid that after I loose all of my weight it would be insanely difficult for me to keep up these new eating habits. And while I'm sure that I can pretty easily slip back into the old ones if I don't watch it, I see where my tastes and desires are actually beginning to more naturally reflect what I am trying to do with the WW program.

And boy, if I can change myself in this way, maybe I can make other changes that seem to constantly weigh on me, more important ones involving my character and my attitudes. There I would find true sucess.

1 fishy comments:

Jenn said...

Way to go! I'm really excited hear about future progress!